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It is vital to show your customers that you are not just in it for the business. To do this, you can follow certain customers on Twitter to show that your relationship branches further than just a business to business connection. This will improve their loyalty to your company and increase your sales over time.

One way to enhance your standing in website search rankings is to improve the time it takes your website to load. Search engines are looking to deliver the best possible experience to their searchers and now include load time into their search ranking protocols. Slow loading sites get lost in the mix when searchers get impatient waiting for sites to load. Explore ways to optimize your loading process with solutions like compressed images, limited use of Flash animations and relocating JavaScript outside your HTML code.

Offer great products. If your products are great and being used, people will give you links without having to ask. They will link to you of their own accord, and therefore the search engines will be more likely to rank you higher since people are finding and visiting your site.

Sharing a proxy with a site that is flagged or banned is not a good idea. Some search engines may see your proxy and automatically associate you with that site.


You should remain careful with Search Engine Optimization. If you use unethical methods or do not provide any useful content on your website, you will be penalized by search engines. You should always keep in mind that you are offering a service to your customers and keep their best interest as your goal.

Grab any information your competitors give you and use it to your advantage. Sometimes, competing websites will give you exact information about their targeted keywords. There are two common ways to find this information. One is to look in the META tag of the site's homepage. Additionally, on some pages with articles, some or all of the keywords will be in bold.

Enhance the content of your articles' body with keywords. Whether it's a blog post or other content on your site, it's critical that the body of your text contains your targeted keywords. Try to use your keywords in the first paragraph, at least two times. Then try to use it with your first 200 words several times - but don't go overboard - or the search engines will accuse you of keyword stuffing.

Some people believe that adding keywords to the comment tags of a website will increase their visibility. You should focus on the things you post on your site.

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If you are going to use the same article in more than one place, be sure that you don't just post exactly the same content each time. Search engines will view this as duplicate content, which will hurt your search ranking. Tweak the article a bit each time you post it somewhere.

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